Formica Group is committed to advancing on the path to sustainability through the management of raw materials, waste and energy.
Raw Material Management
Stainless Steel Plates
Formica Corporation has replaced a paper release system with pre-textured stainless steel plates to impart surface texture. These re-usable plates reduce the amount of scrap paper sent to landfill by as much as 80,000 cubic yards per year.
Waste Management
We recycle 100% of batteries that have reached the end of their useful life.
Scrap Laminate
Formica Corporation salvages scrap laminate to create a product that replaces drilling mud, thus reducing waste.
Scrap Metal
We recycle the scrap metal produced by our maintenance departments.
Hydraulic Oils
Formica Corporation collects hydraulic oils used on presses and sends the oils to a closed-loop filtration system that enables their perpetual re-use.
Scrap wood pallets are ground into fuel, which produces steam for use within the facility.
The packaging we use to ship Formica® Laminate and Formica® Solid Surfacing is made from recycled materials. It is also re-usable, recyclable and biodegradable
Paper Recycling
Unusable Kraft paper, cardboard packaging, paper roll wrappers and cores, and office papers are all recycled
Product Samples
Formica Corporation salvages damaged laminate sheets for use as samples. We also collect samples in the field for recycling and re-use in new sample sets.
Energy Management
Biomass Energy Production
Dust generated during the sanding of laminate sheets is collected in bag filters and incinerated, supplying more than 20% of the base steam load for operations in the Cincinnati, Ohio, facility. Additionally, we use locally sourced by-products from demolition and new construction to generate steam in the facility's biomass boiler.
Closed-Loop, High Pressure Hot Water
We have installed closed-loop, high-pressure hot water systems in the Cincinnati, Ohio, and St. Jean, Canada, plants to efficiently retain heat for successive pressings in the manufacturing process.
High-efficiency lamps are installed throughout the manufacturing facilities in Cincinnati, Ohio, and St. Jean, Canada. Auto-censor lighting is used in offices to conserve energy.
Emissions Controls
Formica Corporation controls particulate emissions at its manufacturing facilities with control devices that operate at 99% efficiency. In addition, Formica has replaced solvent-based phenolic resins with water-based phenolic resins, thereby greatly reducing VOC emissions.